Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Best Wedding Present Ever.

Actually, our first wedding present!

Ever since I was a little kid my mom has used her KitchenAid mixer to make all kinds of amazing treats. Some of the best memories I have from my childhood are of the three of us in the kitchen making cookies and listening to Kenny Loggins :) I probably just watched as she made the cookies...but regardless, I was there. So, of course, it's no surprise when I wanted a mixer of my own! Making brownies by hand is a tireless job and nobody wants to do it. Being the sentimental marshmallow that I am, I really wanted my mom to buy it for me because it would make it more special. However, it's a pretty expensive mixer and she'd already helped us out so much that I figured that we would just put it on our wedding registry instead :)

Kyle and I were driving home from Target after buying wrapping paper (it's amazing what you take for granted when you live with your parents) and we stopped by my mom's place because she had something to give us. My mom usually gives me magazines or snacks so I didn't think much of it. We walk in the door and there's this giant box wrapped up in a black garbage bag with a big white bow made of assorted grocery bags! (My mom isn't white trash at all, keep in mind it's been raining cats and dogs in Santa Clarita all week so she weather-proofed it for us so we could take it home) After debating for about 2 seconds whether to open it on the spot or wait til we got home, I snipped open the bag only to find my mixer. She figured we'd be able to use it much more now than we would in May so she surprised us with an early present!!

Let the cookie making begin.

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